EPISODE 29 - Naranjo Ennea-Type 3

We discuss Type 3 and Chapter 3 of Claudio Naranjo’s book Ennea-Type Structures. Naranjo titles this chapter “Success through Appearances” We liked his use of the word “simulator.” And we liked his very succinct phrase “substitution of appearance for self.”

Out music is “Adaptive Behavior” by by Jay Denham

I used the word “guru” facetiously in referring to Sam Harris and my great pleasure in using his app “Waking Up.” I love that man.

EPISODE 27 - Naranjo Ennea-Type 1

Ennea-Type 1 The Master of Virtue

The episode begins with Leigh quoting Rumi and a bit later she reads from Martha Beck’s The Way of Integrity. Later I reference a 1 character (Miles) in the book The Candy House by Jennifer Egan

End music is “United by Grief” by Kendrick Lamar

Portrait of my 1 friend Carl Stuart that I did in 2018

Listen to the second question on this video for Brene’s comments on perfectionism

EPISODE 25 - Enneagram Type 3 Subtypes

My daughter is home for spring break and joins us as a self pres 3, the counter type. A very hard number to type. My dear friend Sarita, a sexual 3, zooms in from Oahu. Listen to her soulful and grounding music!!! And my friend Lisa Reile, a social 3 who can make anything happen beautifully and fast, took time out of SXSW madness to record this with us. Song at the end is “Grace Kelly” by Mika. I hope this helps you. Please reach out to us with questions and comments. And please share!

EPISODE 23 - Enneagram Type 6 Subtypes

Musician (and childhood friend of Elizabeth) Claire Holley (social 6), dear friend and founder of the epic Ft. Lonesome, Kathie Sever (self pres 6), and musician (and childhood friend of Elizabeth’s daughter) Susannah Joffe (sexual 6) share their insights on how their instincts play out in their number. All three guests are very talented and accomplished artists. It is a joy for us to shine a light on the bravery, exploration and deep creativity of type 6

EPISODE 22 - Self Pres and Sexual 4

Hosts Elizabeth Chapin and Leigh Jackson have a conversation with guest and friend George Patton, a self pres four. One take away is that for sexual 4, being seen for who you are lords over the fear of abandonment, and for self pres 4, the fear of abandonment lords over the desire to be seen. If you need a refresher on subtypes and instincts, listen to our episode 19 for an overview of these terms.

Episode 20 - Enneagram Type 7 Subtypes

In this episode hosts Elizabeth Chapin and Leigh Jackson are joined by guests Elizabeth Pecore(Self-Preservation 7), Ruby Bowman(Sexual 7), and Rachel Lomas(Social 7) to explore the similarities and differences being the same type while also under the influence of each person’s specific dominant Instinct or Subtype. Check out episode 19 to learn more about Instincts in depth and episode 7 to learn more about Type 7.

Elizabeth and Leigh have been apprentices of Enneagram master Suzanne Stabile. Their goal is to share this practical and transformational tool with others in a way that is narrative, inclusive and accessible. Have a listen to Episode 1-10 if you haven’t, to get an introduction to the 9 types and overview of the Enneagram.

  • Introduction to subtypes and each guest

  • Elizabeth Pecore(Self-Preservation 7) - 10:00

  • Ruby Bowman(Sexual 7) - 32:15

  • Rachel Lomas(Social 7) - 46:27

  • Open conversation - 1.03.08

Elizabeth’s song choice to accompany this episode is Born Dirty - Get Up Get Out

Episode 19 - Enneagram Instincts - Self Preservation, Sexual, & Social

In this episode podcast hosts Elizabeth Chapin and Leigh Jackson delve into the three Instincts; Self preservation, Sexual, and Social. The goal is balance, awareness, and your relationship with all three, and typically there is one instinct that is more dominant, one more in the middle, and one that is a blind spot.

Each Instinct is also broken down into three even more specific zones. By surveying a broad range of teachings and by attempting to integrate their own realizations, challenges, and how they personally relate to this level of work, Elizabeth and Leigh are able to expand and elaborate on this deeper aspect of the Enneagram that is separate from the types.

Elizabeth and Leigh have been apprentices of Enneagram master Suzanne Stabile. Their goal is to share this practical and transformational tool with others in a way that is narrative, inclusive and accessible. Have a listen to Episode 1-10 if you haven’t, to get an introduction to the 9 types and overview of the Enneagram.

  • An introduction to Instincts and their relative dominance

  • Self Preservation specifics and zones - 14:20

  • Sexual specifics and zones - 27:21

  • Social specifics and zones - 44:33

  • Closing comments - 1.00.10

Elizabeth’s song choice to accompany this episode is The Black Keys "Howlin' for You"

Episode 18 - Enneagram Virtues

This one-on-one with hosts Elizabeth Chapin and Leigh Jackson goes in depth to explore and help us understand the specific virtue of each Enneagram type. They share and combine perspectives from many resources while relating their own realizations and personal experiences to paint a picture of the higher nature and essence of each type.

Elizabeth and Leigh have been apprentices of Enneagram master Suzanne Stabile. Their goal is to share this practical and transformational tool with others in a way that is narrative, inclusive and accessible. Have a listen to Episode 1-10 if you haven’t, to get an introduction to the 9 types and overview of the Enneagram.

  • Type 6 specifics - 42:50

  • Type 7 specifics - 52:09

  • Type 8 specifics - 1:02:18

  • Type 9 specifics - 1:08:44

  • Type 1 specifics - 1:17:26

  • What are virtues?

  • Type 2 specifics - 09:21

  • Type 3 specifics - 19:46

  • Type 4 specifics - 25:22

  • Type 5 specifics - 32:58

I think it’s kind of our essence or when we are present. When we do the work and personality stands down in a way. That space where we live into what is really true.
— Leigh

Elizabeth’s song choice to accompany this episode is Biig Piig - Don't Turn Around

Episode 17 - The Enneagram Type 3 Phenomenon of Mistyping

In this episode Elizabeth and Leigh are joined by type 3 guests Alabel Chapin, Griff Martin, and Elizabeth Winslow direct from New York on Zoom. There is no shame in not knowing your type right from the start. But as we learned from this interview it can be easy to idealize one type over another, or confuse traits that might seem similar on the surface, but are actually quite different. Each guest shares the reasons for their initial mistype, and Elizabeth and Leigh chart in detail how types 4, 1, and 8 can be chosen initially by 3’s. At the end each guest shares some advice and a little about how COVID had affected their lives.

Elizabeth and Leigh have been apprentices of Enneagram master Suzanne Stabile. Their goal is to share this practical and transformational tool with others in a way that is narrative, inclusive and accessible. Have a listen to Episode 1-10 if you haven’t, to get an introduction to the 9 types and overview of the Enneagram.

The point of doing this mistyping podcast is not to shame people for mistyping. When we teach the Enneagram, sure its great when you know your number at the end of the day. But the huge part of this work is that you observe yourself, and then you have this tool to put on top of it. It’s a better lens to observe yourself. But if you are not observing yourself who give crap, it’s not really all that helpful.
— Leigh

Elizabeth’s song choice to accompany this episode is Taylor Swift - Mirrorball

Episode 16 - The Enneagram 3/6/9 Primary Triangle

In this episode Elizabeth and Leigh are joined by gen z guests Alabel Chapin (3), Susannah Joffe (6), and Lea Silveira (9). It’s no coincidence that the three of them have been friends for most of their lives. We learn about how they discovered their types, the childhood wounds and repressed aspects specific to each, and what is unique about this dynamic.

Elizabeth and Leigh have been apprentices of Enneagram master Suzanne Stabile. Their goal is to share this practical and transformational tool with others in a way that is narrative, inclusive and accessible. Have a listen to Episode 1-10 if you haven’t, to get an introduction to the 9 types and overview of the Enneagram.

Resources Mentioned- The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge by Beatrice Chestnut and works by Claudio Naranjo.

Elizabeth’s song choice to accompany this episode is New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle