EPISODE 50 - Enneagram and AI (part 2)

Part 2 of Episode 49, this conversation comes from my friend Wyatt Rodgers feeding episode 49 into his AI. ChatGPT refines its analysis of Wyatt’s enneagram type and then gives us more feedback on what my and Wyatt’s blind spots might be in this analysis, which I found to be really impressive.

Grateful for end music “3:35 pm, Clearing Not Far From Camp” by Adam Hilton

Wyatt’s face when I use the word “interesting”

EPISODE 49 - Enneagram and AI

What happens when you feed your thoughts and feelings into AI, form a relationship with it over time, and then ask it what your Enneagram number is? My friend Wyatt Rodgers, having done just that, joins me in discussing his use of AI as a self awareness tool, like the Enneagram.

Gratitude for end music “3:35 pm, Clearing Not Far From Camp” by Adam Hilton, who created this in conjunction with my exhibition Treespell.

Wyatt lounging in the kitchen

EPISODE 48 - The Buddhist Enneagram - talking to Susan Piver

Susan Piver, meditation teacher and writer of the nuanced book The Buddhist Enneagram, merges concepts of Buddhism and Enneagram, emphasizing how the Enneagram is a spiritual tool and not a self-help program, personality typer, or life hack. She talks of our 3 centers of intelligence (mental/head triad-delusion, heart/emotional triad-grasping, and body/instinct triad-aggression) as the 3 poisons. And arrows of integration and disintegration as peaceful and wrathful deities. We just grazed the early chapters of her very helpful book, with my dog Wendell repeatedly groaning in her lap. There is much more to dig into.

Also, when I talk about “centering” myself in this podcast, I am talking about the compulsion to see myself as the center of my experience. I am not talking about centering prayer or grounding oneself. I am literally talking about overfocusing on self and individual identity.

End music is by artists Adam Hilton and Henna Chou created in collaboration with my exhibition Treespell (3:35pm, clearing not far from camp on the album Forest Meditation)

EPISODE 47 - Helen Palmer Type 9 (with Erica DeLorenzo

The last chapter in the Helen Palmer book study. Type 9 discussion with fellow Vermonter Erica DeLorenzo. One of my favorite quotes of hers, “I love wanting what other people want.” I also liked talking about how anger “leaks” out of a 9. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think. End music is a fair use snippet of Garth Brooks “The Dance” because 9s show us how to do it.

EPISODE 43 - Helen Palmer Type 6

My friend Kathie Sever —the founder of the merry band of chainstitching geniuses at Ft Lonesome joins me again to discuss Helen Palmer’s chapter on type 6. My take away is that 6s are roving confirmation bias seekers/busters. Finding all the facts to support their ideas or finding all the facts that don’t. Also, Kathie’s idea of a knight in shining armor might have to be a series for each number. I love it.

When I said Russ Hudson had a word for 4s, I meant Claudio Naranjo used the word “vindictive”

When Kathie refers to IFS therapy, she is talking about Internal Family Systems therapy

The Jungian podcast we love is called The Salome Institute, led by Satya Doyle Byock (author of “Quarterlife”— an excellent gift for anyone in their 20s).

Tim Urban is the author Kathie refers to — he wrote “What’s our Problem” and Kathie recommends him on Lex Fridman podcast #360

The documentary on the NXIVM cult is called “Seduced”

The parable of the farmer is from the children’s book “Zen Shorts” by Jon Muth

end music is Doubt by Twenty One Pilots

EPISODE 40 - Helen Palmer Type 4

My friend and jewelry designer Nak Armstrong joins me in nearly 2 hours of type 4 conversation, where I am pretty sure we successfully debunk any notions of sexiness in our type, thanks to the excellent ideas of Helen Palmer.

out music is patron saint of 4, Chopin’s Piano Concerto no. 2 in F Minor (of course!!!), Larghetto. This piece is one of my favorites and, to me, encompasses all the mercurial moodiness, beauty, longing and rage of type 4. Orchestra della Toscana, conductor, Daniele Rustioni

EPISODE 39 - Helen Palmer Type 3 with my daughter Alabel

I felt compelled to take the opportunity to go through Helen Palmer’s chapter about 3s with my daughter Alabel. She modeled “polyphasic activity” by clipping her nails while podcasting with me!!! You will hear it. There are a few things I wish I had followed up on, but I can circle back.

end music is My Future by Billie Eilish

photo by Sarah Bork